Iraq Report Late?

This is a 1,400 page report. The Washington Times is now reporting that the report on Saddam’s WMD capabilities will be published late, if it is published at all. . .

Reasons why? Let’s assume that you are writing a report on a matter of some importance – what incidents will prevent you from pubishing a very important report? New information that disproves the earlier thesis is my best bet. Now assuming that what we have heard before is true, i.e. there are a great number of dual-use facilities, the botulism toxins, the chemicals necessary to make nerve gas being dumped into the Euphrates, etc., this generally leads me to believe that the report was simply amassing the preponderance of evidence against the Ba’athist regime.

To scrap such a report, one would either have to be able to explain away the evidence (an impossibility), or come up with viable concrete evidence of WMD ready-to-go. Seeing as the latter is the most plausible explanation, we may be able to assume that Coalition forces have found something in Iraq. Stay tuned.

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