Jews Against Zionism

Now here’s an interesting website concerning Zionism:

From the inception of the Zionist State and particularly in recent times, the impression has been created in the World that there is some connection between the State, which falsely calls itself Israel, and the Jewish people as a whole. Therefore, we who continue to uphold the never-changing tradition of the Jewish people find it proper to again clarify the following points:

* A Jew is one who remains faithful to the laws of the Jewish religion, that is, the Holy Torah and its commandments.

* The Jewish people became a people before they had their own land, and continued to exist as a people also after they went Into exile, because our very peoplehood is based exclusively on the Torah.

* The Holy Land was given to the Jewish people on the condition that they observe the Torah and its commandments. When they failed to do this, their sovereignty over the land was taken from them, and they went into exile. From that time, we are prohibited by the Torah with a very grave prohibition to establish a Jewish independent sovereignty in the Holy Land or anywhere throughout the world. Rather, we are obligated to be loyal to the nations under whose protection we dwell.

Wow. Now the whole Labour Party movement for peace vs. the Likud argument for force makes much more sense now. . . Likud with the old Zionist movement, and Labour who sincerely hopes that the time was really right for Jews to return to Israel and sincerely wants peace. Amazing insight. . .

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