Honorable Politics and Honorable Men

I just had coffee with a gentleman (a well known GOP activist/leader) who’s appreciation, support, and honor for his friends and comrades runs so deeply, he felt ashamed not to be able to do more to the point of tears. I’m not talking about some sanctimonious, political ploy either. . . I mean this was the kind of conversation where you just sat back and said to yourself, “this is a good, honorable man and everything right with politics.” Genuinely heartfelt humility that people thought so highly of him, and genuinely upset that he could not do more to help.

That folks – is a guy you go to the mat for. I don’t want to write too much because I really don’t want to give away who it was for fear of embarassing anyone (or taking advantage of the conversation, because it was centered around my candidacy for Spotsy GOP Chair and that’s not what this post is about).

What an outstanding example of a public servant and a genuinely good will. I walked away tonight feeling both humbled and honored to know him as a person. One of those life lesson things that I’ll remember for life.

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