Updating Website Soon!

Yes, I now realize that it has been a good seven months since I have posted new articles and such. Therefore, for my spare time this weekend, I will give you a much promised update. Some things to look forward to:

* Thomistic Libertarianism

* The Influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau on Mark Twain’s Huck Finn

* Caitin and the Noble Savage

* Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs (Powerpoint)

* Against the 2004 Spotsylvania Tax Hikes (FLS)

I am also still working on two major projects over the summer. One on the American Social Contract for which I am doing a considerable amount of reading, and the other being the always lengthy treatment entitled “Americanismus Redivivus: The Phantom Heresy and the 21st Century Catholic Church in America.” We’ll see which one comes to fruition first.

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