Virginia: A Surprising Swing State

Yet again I call one spot on. I need to find myself a betting parlor for this kind of stuff:

Virginia has just 13 electoral votes, but a Kerry victory here could spell disaster for President Bush, demonstrating a sign of weakness in a traditionally safe GOP state.

Old Dominion has been a Republican stronghold for decades, but the Democratic presidential contender is gearing up his campaign in what some analysts and surveys suggest could be a toss-up state.

Kerry has spent $750,000 on advertising here, and popular Democratic Gov. Mark Warner has boasted that the Massachusetts senator has a shot at taking the state. A Rasmussen poll from May shows Bush leading Kerry by just two points in the state: 47 to 45. That falls within the margin of error.

Kerry’s right. We are a swing state, and I am shocked that Kerry has spent so much in the Commonwealth when the Bush/Cheney folks here can’t even get so much as a bumper sticker.

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