Apologia Pro Steven Chapman


Just about everyone in the Virgnia blogosphere has blindly jumped onto the bandwagon, merrily bashing Steve Chapman along the way without giving it a second thought.

People hate success, especially when it comes at a young age.

Before folks start looking for things to pick on, I’d like to explain why I believe Steve Chapman to be an excellent candidate for public office. I have no knowledge of any of his opponents in the primary, and they could all be outstanding citizens in their own right.

There is one immediate question I have though: why would candidates of character (or their supporters) go out of their way to attack a 29-year old young man? A neighbor and proven conservative? A successful businessman, trusted to do business on arguably the most sacred of American icons — Arlington National Cemetary?

I have no question as to Steve Chapman’s character or his commitment to the conservative cause.

And I have no question as to his capacity to represent the 50th District. In fact, that’s the one item folks should have the least cause to question.

So why do people hate Steve Chapman? It’s because he’s a young, successful businessman who doesn’t blink when it comes to defending conservative values.

Boil it all down, and that’s the real reason. Read through all of the rhetoric and you’ll see the same theme: Steve is an outsider, Steve is a conservative, Steve is too pro-life, Steve is too concerned about taxpayers and not concerned enough about fat bureaucrats, Steve doesn’t squelch on the issues.

All criticism of Steve Chapman are variations on a theme; he’s a conservative who won’t back down.

Let’s be brutally honest for a moment. I’m sick and tired of politicians who run as conservatives and vote as liberals. I’m exhausted after supporting candidates who don’t govern as they ran. And frankly, I’m tired of half-truths and weak-kneed Republicans at the state and national level.

Steve Chapman is a known quantity, a proven conservative. That Steve Chapman is a proven conservative scares people, because they know he won’t bend, won’t cave in under pressure, and always do the thoughtful and right thing.

If you want that type of candidate, that type of representation in the 50th District, vote for Steve Chapman. If you’re content with the status quo, then vote for the status quo. I’m sure Chapman will continue to fight the good fight, as he’s always done.

But a vote for Steve Chapman will be a vote of character. Delegate Steve Chapman will fight for conservatives in Richmond. This I know.

Steve is a good man being pilloried and attacked either by those who don’t know him or those who just don’t give a damn, because power is at stake. Again, I know little of the character or mettle of his opponents, and they may all be fine individuals. But I know Steve, and he’ll do what’s right by conservatives in Richmond.

For that and all his accomplishments on behalf of conservatives in Northern Virginia, I heartily endorse Steve Chapman for his candidacy in the 50th District. Steve Chapman is a known quantity, a proven conservative of character who will get the job done and do what is right for Virginia.

…and cut it out with attacking Steve. It makes his opposition look childish to say the least.

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