Back from Missouri

In case folks were wondering why I had not blogged in the last few days, I was on a business trip to St. Louis this week. All and all, not bad.

I love a good business trip, don’t you?! Even though you’re still required to work for the most part, at least you get the opportunity to travel to a completely new place. Or you could be returning to a place that you haven’t been to for ages. For me, it was St. Louis. For my friend, it was to an amazing country abroad. So, yes. You could say that I’m a little bit jealous. His company are always taking trips abroad, and they always have events planned for when they get there. So, he’s always telling me about a place like Smart Works, who are also a Destination Management Company, ( who help them with things like their accommodation and logistics. He said they don’t know what they’d do without them because they are able to just get everything in place for when you go. It’s amazing really.
Honestly, we have been travelling back and forth for business for quite a long time now. And though we could visit new places, it sometimes becomes stressful for us to travel when we are at the mercy of commercial flights. Especially, for super-busy professionals like us, every minute counts. From the time spent by the flight on the ground to navigating the complicated maze of traffic, that is time wasted. For our trip to St. Louis, we already had a rough idea of where and what we were looking for, so we were able to plan everything by ourselves. Our priorities were clear – hassle-free boarding, personalized service, and convenient travel with minimal wastage of time. So, we decided to go for private jet charters. There were many travel and itinerary planning options on the Internet, but only a select few provided good information on affordable private jets, travel expenses and other add-on services. Thankfully, our private air journey was relaxing, and trip was memorable.
We had a good time, but I just hope that we get to travel somewhere further next time. Now that I’m back, I can catch up on everything that I’ve missed whilst I was gone.

Of course, I return to all sorts of happenings in the blogosphere. Gilmore hearts amnesty, the Jeffersoniad Blog Alliance has a hospitality suite for the RPV Convention, Hillary hearts assassinations, and lo and behold — to make up for it all — I give you the greatest baseball pitch ever:

Not bad…

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