Barticles: Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink

Bart Hinkle over at the RTD gives a wink and a nudge towards Cass Sunstein’s newest book:

Cass Sunstein, who has previously argued essentially that all rights are granted to us by government, argues in a new book, Nudge, that people should be allowed to make choices, as long as they are directed to make the right choices.

They are, then, “libertarian paternalists,” or perhaps paternalistic libertarians.

Perhaps they say it with a wink. Because it’s a little like being an establishmentarian revolutionary, or an Islamic-jihadist agnostic.

Precisely. I’ve offered my thoughts on this soft paternalism when it reared it’s head in the UK Economist, but it seems as if the ill-conceived idea of the “avuncular state” is picking up steam.

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