Benedict XVI: Don’t let work take over

Sometimes we all need reminders like these:

In his homily, the pope said that in the world of work, ‘an important aspect of human existence,’ the rapid changes brought by technology and the globalization of the economy are experienced each day.

While people express themselves and support their families through their work, the pope said it is important that they not let their jobs take over their lives and become idols.

How many people can you think in a bustle-and-go society let work take over their family lives? Their social time? Time to pray and read? Even themselves?

The Feast Day of St. Joseph was yesterday on 19 March. Some countries hold this day on 01 May (May Day for your more socialist oriented folks) depending on how prevelant the socialist movements were in that country.

These things have been on my mind ever since I re-read St. Thomas More’s Utopia. A great book and a quick read, if you are so inclined.

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