Blair Calls for Calm After London Blasts

Updates from the Washington Post:

Prime Minister Tony Blair said Thursday he hoped that London would return to normal ‘as soon as possible’ after explosions struck three Underground stations and a bus at midday.

‘We can’t minimize incidents such as this,’ Blair said during a news conference with visiting Australian Prime Minister John Howard. ‘They’re done to scare people, to frighten them and make them worried.’

This time the reports are that it was detonation devices, not actual rigged bombs. If true, it could show a number of things; that the terrorist cell is running out of ammo, that they are proving a point by using only detonation devices, that the actual bombers may have lived to tell the tale, retaliation for the capture of the ringleader, that there is a second cell. . .

Developing, but something that adds an interesting element if you consider the UK claims all the 7/7 terrorists died and the ringleader is captured.

UPDATE: Possibility of a chem-bio attack? Here’s clipping of a conversation from OSINT

This accounts backs your assessment of a screw-up, but in all three-four incidents??? Perhaps the builder made the small error in all devices I’d like to know what was causing people to fall down. If the bomber thought something went wrong, it may be that he wasn’t expecting a chem release. Were the fall-downs due to the panic and rush to get out, or was anybody incapacitated. Low-burst charges are designed for dispersing agent.

True…but it will take time to get the chem-bio reaction…if any…UK authorities may suppress that info.

If chem-nerve, almost immediate. If bio-toxin, like ricin, hours. If bio (smallpox, anthrax) it will be many hours, even days.


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