Bush at 43%

Yes, I can hear the snickering of the Democrats right now: Shaun Kenney is celebrating over a 43% approval rating…

Well, yes I am. And for good reason too:

For the fourth straight day, 43% of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove, including 39% who Strongly Disapprove.

The President earns approval from 48% of Entrepreneurs, 44% of Private Sector Employees, and 41% of Government Employees. Among Republicans, the President’s Approval Rating is at 75%.

Now there’s what’s interesting — 75% of all Republicans support the President.

This goes back to the immigration/Harriet Miers argument, that the reason why Bush’s numbers are so low is that conservatives aren’t happy with the President. Good news? Well maybe, maybe not. But what it does show is that Americans aren’t flocking to the Democrats, who’s civil war (and it can hardly be described as anything less) between progressives and liberals is high drama at best. The only thing that unites them seems to be a common hatred for President Bush.

So if 39% of Americans don’t like Bush, and 43% do like Bush, then where is the meat of that 20% hiding? My hypothesis? On the right wing of the GOP…

Interesting times.

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