BVBL: The Hubris Of Jim Gilmore

This is disgusting if it is in the slightest bit true:

Jim (Gilmore’s) morning started uneventfully at the 8th District, where he and Bob Marshall both gave speeches. Then Bob Marshall left for the 10th District as he should have, but Jim Gilmore went to the closer 11th District instead. At that convention candidate speeches were scheduled to start after the first balloting, which everyone who had bothered to contact Becky Stoeckel (another failure by Jim Gilmore) knew. Sitting in the front row waiting for an opportunity to deliver his pearls of wisdom, while glaring at temporary Chairman Jay O’Brien for being delayed, Gilmore finally lost his patience, stormed the stage, took the microphone away, and launched into a rather lengthly speech. Many convention delegates were pretty stunned, not only because of this incredible display of hubris and self-importance, but because Gilmore actually ended up delaying the first ballot. Gilmore almost certainly lost quite a few delegates with this display.

It gets worse.

By the time Gilmore made his way over to the 10th District convention, the show was pretty much over. Gilmore and his staff met with 10th District Chairman Jim Rich where Rich was subjected to an angry tirade by one of Gilmore’s staffers, Jesse, who complained that Rich shouldn’t have let Bob Marshall speak until Gilmore was there. Gilmore then gave his speech to the thirty or so people remaining, some who were busy cleaning up trying to get out of there, and not terribly interested in listening to someone who shows up wanting recognition after the show was over.

Looks as if Gilmore’s situation in Northern Virginia went from pecarious to overtly hostile in the span of a weekend.

Not good.

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