Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot

Historians in the UK have re-created the 1605 Parliament building, constructed a replica down to the month-old gunpowder Guy Fawkes planned to use, and blew it up.

Conclusion? The Gunpowder Plot would have killed King James and everyone inside.

If you’d care to know more about the Gunpowder Plot and who Guy Fawkes really is, take a peek at this. Cool history stuff here. Bonfire Night for those unfamiliar with their history is how the British celebrate the capture of Guy Fawkes, whom along with fellow Catholic conspirators attempted to blow up the Parliament building, King James I, and all the lords of England — even noblemen previously sympathetic to the Catholic cause. Guy was caught inside the cellar of the House of Lords on a tip from (ironically) a fellow conspirator who had second thoughts, and an effigy of Guy is burned in bonfires all over Britain (and elsewhere) on 05 November.

Being a Catholic myself, I can’t say I approve of the whole thing, but any excuse to light a bonfire is fine by me.

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