iBook sale erupts in chaos, stampede

Now I am a big fan of process. You set up a method of performing a task, plan it well, think it through, then execute.

This was not thought through.

Chaos erupted this morning at the Richmond International Raceway as thousands of people stampeded through the gates in a rush to buy used iBook laptop computers for $50 each.

There were several minor injuries and one person was taken to a hospital with a leg injury, fire Battalion Chief Steve Wood said during a 1 p.m. news conference. In all, 17 people were treated, the majority for heat- or diabetic-related problems, he said.

Now I don’t know who to blame more. The idiotic few who caused the problem (little kids were getting knocked out of strollers for crying out loud), or the individuals who planned how this distribution would take place.

There is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing this. Henrico County – though the goals were certainly laudable – did not plan this well. It looks bad on Henrico, Virginia, and the people who were there. Yes this is a case of a few bad apples, but foresight is an awesome thing.

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