Mason Conservative: Where Have You Gone, Vance Wilkins?

…a Commonwealth turns it’s lonely eyes to you:

In Wilkins, we had a quiet leader who understood what it meant to be in the minority. When he arrived in Richmond, he was one of 25 GOP Delegates. They were ignored, abused, and discriminated in the legislature. Wilkins had a unique understanding of what it meant to be a majority, and how important it was to be the party of action and ideas to stay in the majority. The Democrats of the 70s, 80s, and early 90s were lazy, content with their power, and vunerable when they did not even realize it. Sound familiar? Wilkins built our local party from the ground up. He cultivated younger members, those very members who cling to power now, diversified the chairmanships and subchairmanships in the committees, and generally kept the Hosue in order. He had the ability to please everyone, and keep the agneda moving forward.

Right now, somebody for this party better step up and become a leader. Whether its Bill Bolling, Bob McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, Paul Harris, Kate Griffin, Chris Saxman, Jim Gilmore, or Tom Davis or someone we haven’t even heard of yet. The Democrats were fat and lazy in August 1993 when Mary Sue Terry was sitting on a 30 point lead on an obscure one-term congressman named George Allen. By six years later, they were sulking in the minority, hit by a meteor they didn’t even see coming.

Woo woo woo…

I really can’t add much more. Someone has got to step up to the plate, and much like conservatives nationwide, it looks as if conservative in Virginia are spoiling for a fight that will actually change something — not just change Ds to Rs for its own sake.

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