Potts Keeps His Chairmanship

He ran against Kilgore!!! And how do we reward him?! Disgusting, spineless, and absolutely embarassing… that’s what this is. I’m sure the Democrats in the Senate were tapping their toes with glee as the votes came down…

I am now convinced there is no cure for liberal Republicans other than complete evisceration. No compromise, no debate.

This must end. It’s time for a game of “which side are you on,” because this nonsense is ultimately going to destroy the Republican Party if we don’t end it in 2007. Potts violated every principle of big tent politics. What is left now?

Let it be noted that many of the moderates in the Senate did come around when it came to party unity, a move that is noted and appreciated. I’m not looking for ideological purity, but consensus on core issues should be the very least we can acheive.

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