Superintendent Jerry Hill indicted

Two counts:

The first accuses Hill of violating a state law that allows governing bodies-not school boards-to publish educational materials on bond referendums. It also alleges that Hill violated another law that bans public school students from being required to deliver materials that advocate support or opposition of candidates or issues such as referendums.

The second indictment charges Hill with obstruction of justice.

Thus begins a lengthy investigation into the actions of the Spotsylvania School Board.

Hill’s response?

Hill’s attorneys, Steven Webster and Aaron Book issued a statement this evening, saying they look forward to Hill’s exoneration. “Dr. Hill acted with the full approval of the School Board, after consultation with its attorneys.”

Hill also issued a statement. “These indictments which target me personally are puzzling since I work for the School Board and followed their direction during the development and distribution of the flier – I look forward to a quick and fair resolution of this matter so the important work being done in this school division can continue uninterrupted.”

Britton wouldn’t say yesterday why School Board members were not charged, saying he doesn’t comment “on the substance of indictments” before they go to court.

Hill’s lessons in leadership #1: When indicted, be sure to blame someone else.

Can anyone else explain to me why Hill, during a moment of indictment, is shifting the blame to his most ardent supporters? That is either the worst strategy in the world, or it is the most underhanded and dispicable lack of character I have ever seen.

Hill and the Spotsylvania School Board should be punished severely for their actions – save the notable exceptions of Ray Lora and Lee Broughton.

Yes it’s in the past, but there’s no question the SEA and VEA weighed in heavily. For one, I would like to know precisely the extent Hill interfered in my campaign for delegate in June 2005.

I’m sure this instance – among others – will come up by the time the special investigation is done.

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