What Happens at State Central…

I was asked if I was going to head off to the blog to post on this morning’s meeting. My answer was no, because not only do I find it to be a betrayal of the position entrusted (I carried a proxy), I also find it highly unethical to post the proceedings of a meeting where top-level Republican officials should feel free to speak their minds.

Obviously, some don’t share my convictions. Shame on them.

I’ll repeat what I posted there: Jim Rich *did not* second the motion for the NOVA Strike Force, and he wasn’t even present to second the Marriage Amendment — it was done for him by a supporter who awkwardly shouted “SECONDED BY JIM RICH!!!” (and plainly stated Rich was not in the room at the moment).

RPV’s State Central Committee has a tradition of being an egalitarian and spirited meeting where top-level Republicans can speak their minds about the condition and direction of the Republican Party.

Abusing that latitude for political grandstanding is horrific in my opinion.

There’s a worse proposition here: Bloggers in general are treated with a bit of contempt. Why? Precisely for this reason. Why should anyone trust me (or bloggers on the whole) if I am just going to run to the ol’ blog and post the conversation?

Distasteful, disappointing, and overall a very damaging strike against blogs in Virginia. Some of us just have to grow up.

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