What is Worse Than Reading Today’s News?

The realization that it’s been the same news we’ve been reading for, oh… I’d say about the last 18 months.

Beyond the minor news stories and such, does anyone really consider what has changed over the last week? Two weeks? If you were to unplug yourself from every news outlet, every TV, every news-driven website for a week or two, would you come back and tell yourself, “Gee — that’s the same crap we’ve been talking about for a month!”

I just hopped on to Google Reader (and an excellent resource it is) with a compilation of all of my RSS feeds and whatnot. Of course, having done the communications game I should have known better, but the thought dawns on me every once in awhile: our news is catastrophically boring.

What’s worse, Virginia political bloggers seem just fine to allow it to continue. Let’s be dead serious — how many original, thought provoking commentaries have you, the gentle reader, seen over the last week on our blogs? Two weeks? Month?

Granted, I’m not part of the solution. But the further we drift from our roots as citizen journalists or private journals, the less unique (and less relevant) we become.

No matter. I’m going back into my garden to start plotting out where I’m going to plant a massive number of boxwoods for my garden. That’s a post for a later time, and boy is it much more interesting than what’s going on in the news nowadays!

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