Market Square Set to Reopen Tomorrow

Tomorrow, the refurbished Market Square–tucked behind the museum on Princess Anne Street–will open for the first time in seven years as part of the commemoration of the 275th anniversary of Fredericksburg’s founding.

The daylong Market Square Faire will chronicle periods of the city’s history: the Colonial era, Civil War, and the early 1900s, as well as the 1950s and ’60s. Activities will include a children’s play, dancing and a musical opera clown.

Take a good look when you get a chance. What you shouldn’t look at is the price tag. $625,000 to refurbish the Square. I’m not knocking the Square, it looks great. But $625K could have fed a lot of hungry kids, and while the end result looks beautiful, I just don’t see what was the matter with the old Square to spend that kind of money on it. Maybe it’s just me. . .

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