I Don’t Recall Signin’ the Geneva Conventions. . .

The justices referred to the findings of foreign courts this summer in their own ruling that states may not punish gay couples for having sex.

And in 2002, the court said that executing mentally retarded people is unconstitutionally cruel. That ruling noted that the practice was opposed internationally.

“Our island or lone ranger mentality is beginning to change,” Ginsburg said during a speech to the American Constitution Society, a liberal lawyers group holding its first convention.

Justices “are becoming more open to comparative and international law perspectives,” said Ginsburg, who has supported a more global view of judicial decision making.

Now this should send a chill up and down every American’s spine, because now certain justices on the Supreme Court – a body that is to interpret the Constitution – is now taking free reign to decide what the Constitution means through the light of laws and lawmaking traditions that Americans have never consented to.

Poor jurisprudence indeed. Not to sound too much like the ugly American, but since when are Americans bound by laws they never assented to in the first place?! Arrgh. . . this is almost the “last hurrah” of the left. They know they are outmoded and unlikely to be replaced, so why not do as much damage as possible before their time is over?

Scalia was right.

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