U.S. Episcopal Church Approves First Openly Gay Bishop

Well, that does it. 62 – 45 in favor of the installation. Whether it leads to a schism is now up to the conservatives, although as one liberal dryly remarked on Monday, the Episcopal Church seems to have a disdain for splits. Maybe the conservatives will return to the Anglican Catholic Church (not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, but you get the idea). Who knows? Worldwide, however, the fight still seems to be on:

Conservative Anglicans, representing more than one-quarter of the global 77-million-member denomination, issued a statement expressing regret at Robinson’s installation and signed by church leaders from Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America and followers from England, India and elsewhere.

“We expect that primates of the Communion will be meeting soon to consider what action to take. Dioceses and parishes in the United States who wish to remain loyal to the Anglican Communion will also be considering their position in the coming weeks,” the statement from a group called the Anglican Mainstream said.

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