Spinobifida and Babies

I just finished watching one of the most horrific shows on television I could ever imagine. A family performed fetal surgery on a 24-week fetus to repair the damage caused by spinobifida. The surgery was successful, but they had to cut the sides of the poor fella in order to close the hole. . .

What a terrible experience. The family and baby made it out allright, but gosh what a horrible experience to have to go through. 24-weeks gestation. . . very disheartening to see a little fella in that kind of position.

Watching stuff like that just rips my heart out. I didn’t even change the channel because I was afraid that if I did, the poor fella would get hurt. Irrational to the extreme, I know. . . but I just couldn’t contemplate being in that position. The little guy was so tiny and helpless. . . and I absolutely hate watching those real-life ER room shows. Its invasive and involves a lot of stuff I simply have no knowledge of. But the poor little guy! Not cool. Glad he and the mother made it out allright (and dad too).

See, mean ol’ nasty conservatives have a heart after all! Sorry to post this, but it just really had an effect on me this evening. Poor guy!

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