CNA: Colombian authorities sign accord to grant absolute protection to human life

Now wouldn’t it be cool to have a group of American — or even Virginian — politicians and public figures sign something similar?

During the 10th Meeting of Colombian Governors, 30 governors, Mayor Samuel Moreno of Bogota and other top administration officials, singed a public agreement to, among other things, defend the right to life of the country’s unborn children.

The non-binding document recognizes the obligation of the family, society and the government to assist and protect children. It also reiterates the four fundamental principles of the Convention on the Rights of Children: non-discrimination, devotion to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child.

Sure… it’s non-binding.  Sometimes you have to take those first steps before you walk.  Now isn’t a bad time to demand leadership when it comes to protecting human life.  Either stand up or sit down…

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