Winners and Losers | November 3rd, 2010

I will be the first to crow loud over Congressman-elect Morgan Griffith stomping Boucher in VA-09.  I called it, I preached it, and sure enough it came true.  Boucher had neither the ground game nor the demographics to beat back a challenge from Virginia’s House Majority Leader, and redistricting will all but assure Griffith a competitive but safe seat in southwest Virginia.

On the other hand… I was wrong about Bobby Hurt.  I’ll admit — I was not optimistic that Hurt would win.  In fact, I was downright edgy and mean about it.  The fact Tom Perriello came within three points of pulling off yet another come-from-behind victory against an entrenched Republican nominee demonstrates that Perriello’s style of politicking is not disappearing anytime soon.  The Warner/Chap/Perriello model is what wins elections for Dems.  Stray just a little, and Virginia will punish you.

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The Decline and Fall of Krystal Ball

Ah yes, the “lidless eye” of Facebook and youthful indiscretions. First off, I have little to no desire to share the pictures of college graduate Krystal Ball, hosted first at Virginia Virtucon (where they responded to Rep. Rob Wittman’s request to take them down) and then almost immediately hosted by Greg Letiecq over at BVBL (NSFW — don’t click) — where the pictures have all but driven the nail in an already floundering and practically dead campaign.

In fact, I wonder whether those who shared the pictured even though of Krystal’s daughter and her (eventual) thoughts… or her family… some lines don’t get crossed, fellas. This might have been one of them.

I have absolutely no desire to post the pictures here. The impact, however, is done. Having three daughters of my own, the probability is zero that I would allow any of them near that sort of individual or campaign. That has ramifications for the person I would prefer represent me in Congress, to be sure.

…or course, that was Krystal Ball as a college graduate, and not Krystal Ball the 29-year old Democratic primary winner in VA-01. Is there a difference? Perhaps… but Ball’s campaign has done practically everything in their power to marry — and not draw distinctions between — the 22-year old college grad and the 29 year old accomplished businesswoman.

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How Many Books Are There in the World?


Now you know.

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SWAC Girl: Notice of Intent forms due August 15

Lynn Mitchell has just about the best one-post resource in Virginia for filing your Notice of Intent forms for home schoolers.

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Official: Norfolk can’t freeze commissioner’s hiring

Gee, ya think?!

Of course, this doesn’t remove some of the questions of McDonald’s lobbying activities in Richmond, but by and large… ’tis the law.  The time for Newport News City Council to fix this problem is during the budget cycle.

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Clark and Perriello share the same position on abortion?

Third party (and so-called Tea Party challenger) Jeff Clark’s position on abortion is slightly to the left of Tom Perriello:

Clark, the independent candidate who said he has received flack from some Republican supporters over his decision to enter the race, has expressed his belief that women should have access to an abortion if they become pregnant due to a sexual assault or if there is medical emergency for the mother.

“I don’t think the government should fund abortions even in those cases, but there should be some leeway in a woman’s right to choose,” Clark said. “I also think it should be coupled with counseling for the entire family.”

Some leeway?  Counselling?  How’s about having the guts to say that anyone who advocates killing babies in the womb is automatically disqualified from public office?

Disgusting.  The article is worth reading if the right to life is of any deep concern to you as a voter in VA-05.


These are the rules, but…

Want a quick insight as to how bad the VRS really is? Multiply this experience by however many six-figure public servants you have in Virginia — local and state — and it’s a good picture of what’s to come.

The severance includes 12 months of salary, equating a gross payment of $128,750; and full payment for accrued vacation time, equaling $12,627.60.

Terpenny will also receive employee sick-leave divestiture for the next 10 years, starting next month. Payments will begin in the amount of $1,050.66 per month, beginning Sept. 1 and lasting until a final payment of $1,050.86 on Aug. 1, 2020. That adds up to an additional $126,000.

Plus this guy is the new town manager in Floyd, Virginia — an additional $50,000 a year.  But, of course, this gentleman is only playing by the rules of the game.

All at taxpayer expense.

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CNA: Colombian authorities sign accord to grant absolute protection to human life

Now wouldn’t it be cool to have a group of American — or even Virginian — politicians and public figures sign something similar?

During the 10th Meeting of Colombian Governors, 30 governors, Mayor Samuel Moreno of Bogota and other top administration officials, singed a public agreement to, among other things, defend the right to life of the country’s unborn children.

The non-binding document recognizes the obligation of the family, society and the government to assist and protect children. It also reiterates the four fundamental principles of the Convention on the Rights of Children: non-discrimination, devotion to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child.

Sure… it’s non-binding.  Sometimes you have to take those first steps before you walk.  Now isn’t a bad time to demand leadership when it comes to protecting human life.  Either stand up or sit down…

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Virginia Virtucon: WashPo Sells Newsweak For $1

Because you know this joke had to be made:

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WaPo: Free dental care draws thousands to outdoor clinic in rural Virginia


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